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OUTDOORS.RU - портал в Мир путешествий и приключений

Историко-архитектурный комплекс Казанского кремля / Historic and Architectural Complex of The Kazan Kremlin

Russian Federation City of Kazan, Republic of Tartarstan
55º50’ N, 49º10’ E

Syuyumbeki’s Tower Место расположения Казанского кремля известно еще со времен Золотой Орды и Казанского ханства. Кремль был завоеван Иваном Грозным в 1552 г. и превратился в оплот христианства на волжской земле, стал важным местом паломничества. Здесь находятся ценнейшие исторические постройки, датируемые XVI-XIX вв., также обнаружены памятники более раннего времени - X-XVI вв. Сохранилась уникальная татарская крепость

Российская Федерация Inscribed:2000
Criteria:C (ii) (iii) (iv)

Justification for Inscription:
Criterion (ii): The Kazan Kremlin complex represents exceptional testimony of historical continuity and cultural diversity over a long period of time, resulting in an important interchange of values generated by The different cultures.
Criterion (iii): The historic citadel represents an exceptional testimony of The Khanate period and is The only surviving Tatar fortress with traces of The original town-planning conception.
Criterion (iv): The site and its key monuments represent an outstanding example of a syn Thesis of Tatar and Russian influences in architecture, integrating different cultures (Bulgar, Golden Horde, Tatar, Italian, and Russian), as well as showing The impact of Islam and Christianity.

Brief description:

Built on an ancient site, The Kazan Kremlin dates from The Muslim period of The Golden Horde and The Kazan Khanate. It was conquered by Ivan The Terrible in 1552 and became The Christian See of The Volga Land. The only surviving Tatar fortress in Russia and an important place of pilgrimage, The Kazan Kremlin consists of an outstanding group of historic buildings dating from The 16th to 19th centuries, integrating remains of earlier structures of The 10th to 16th centuries.

Мир путешествий и приключений - OUTDOORS.ru

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