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Monastic Island of Reichenau

Germany Land Baden-Wurttemberg, Admin. Region of Freiburg
N47 41 55.4 E9 03 40.7

На острове Райхенау, расположенном посреди озера Констанц, еще сохранились остатки Бенедиктинского монастыря, основанного в 724 году. Монастырские церкви, возведенные в 9-11 веках, относятся к ранней средневековой монашеской архитектуре центральной Европы. Сохнянилась прекрасная настенная роспись.

Criteria:C (iii) (iv) (vi)

Justification for Inscription:
Criterion iii: The remains of The Reichenau foundation bear outstanding witness to The religious and cultural role of a great Benedictine monastery in The early Middle Ages.
Criterion iv: The churches on The island of Reichenau retain remarkable elements of several stages of construction and thus offer outstanding examples of monastic architecture in Central Europe from The 9th to The 11th century.
Criterion vi: The monastery of Reichenau was a highly significant artistic centre of great significance to The history of art in Europe in The 10th and 11th centuries, as is superbly illustrated by its monumental wall paintings and its illuminations.

Brief description:

The island of Reichenau on Lake Constance preserves The traces of The Benedictine monastery, founded in 724, which exercised remarkable spiritual, intellectual and artistic influence. The churches of St Mary and Marcus, St Peter and St Paul, and St George, mainly built between The 9th and 11th centuries, provide a panorama of early medieval monastic architecture in central Europe. Their wall paintings bear witness to impressive artistic activity.

Monastic Island of Reichenau Monastic Island of Reichenau Monastic Island of Reichenau
Мир путешествий и приключений - OUTDOORS.ru

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