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Ca Thedral of St. James in Љibenik

Croatia County of Љibenik-Knin, Town of Љibenik
45º44’ N, 15º53’ E

Aerial view of The Ca Thedral from The north-east Собор C- Джеймса в Љ ibenik (1431-1535), на Dalmatian побережьи, переносит свидетеля к значительным обменам в поле монументального изобразительного искусства ни между Какой Thern Италией, Dalmatia и Tuscany в 15-ом и 16-ого столетий. Три архитектора, кто следовали за друг другом в конструкции Собора - Francesco di Giacomo, Georgius Мама Теи Далматикус и Niccolт di Giovanni Fiorentino - разработали структуру, построенную полностью из камня и использования уникальных методов конструкции для прыжков и купола Собора. Форма и декоративные элементы Собора, типа замечательного бордюра, украшенного 71 sculptured лица людей, женщин, и детей, также иллюстрируют успешное слияние Готических и искусство Ренессанса.

Criteria:C (i) (ii) (iv)

Justification for Inscription:
Criterion (i): The structural characteristics of The Ca Thedral of St James in Љibenik make it a unique and outstanding building in which Gothic and Renaissance forms have been successfully blended.
Criterion (ii): The Ca Thedral of St James is The fruitful outcome of considerable interchanges of influences between The three culturally different regions of Nor Thern Italy, Dalmatia, and Tuscany in The 15th and 16th centuries. These interchanges created The conditions for unique and outstanding solutions to The technical and structural problems of constructing The ca Thedral vaulting and dome.
Criterion (iv): The Ca Thedral of St James in Љibenik is a unique testimony to The transition from The Gothic to The Renaissance period in church architecture.

Brief description:

The Ca Thedral of St James in Љibenik (1431-1535), on The Dalmatian coast, bears witness to The considerable exchanges in The field of monumental arts between Nor Thern Italy, Dalmatia and Tuscany in The 15th and 16th centuries. The three architects who succeeded one ano Ther in The construction of The Ca Thedral - Francesco di Giacomo, Georgius Ma Thei Dalmaticus and Niccolт di Giovanni Fiorentino - developed a structure built entirely from stone and using unique construction techniques for The vaulting and The dome of The Ca Thedral. The form and The decorative elements of The Ca Thedral, such as a remarkable frieze decorated with 71 sculptured faces of men, women, and children, also illustrate The successful fusion of Gothic and Renaissance art.

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