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Cilento and Vallo di Diano National Park with The Archeological sites of Paestum and Velia, and The Certosa di Padula

Italy Province of Salerno, Campanian Region
15º16’ E, 40º17’ N

Certosa di Padua Cilento - невыполненный(выдающийся) культурный ландшафт. Драматические группы sanctuaries и урегулирований(поселений) по его трем восточно - западным горным хребтам горы ярко изображают area’s Историческое развитие: это был главный маршрут не только для торговли, но также и для культурного и политического взаимодействия в течение доисторических и средневековых периодов(точек). Cilento был также граница между Греческими колониями Magna Graecia и местного Etruscan и Lucanian народов. Остается от двух главных городов с классических времен, Paestum и Velia, найдены Там.

Достопримечательности района Чиленто Inscribed :1998
Criteria:C (iii) (iv)

Justification for Inscription:
Criterion iii:During The prehistoric period, and again in The Middle Ages, The Cilento region served as a key route for cultural, political, and commercial communications in an exceptional manner, utilizing The crests of The mountain chains running east-west and Thereby creating a cultural landscape of outstanding significance and quality.
Criterion iv:In two key episodes in The development of human societies in The Mediterranean region, The Cilento area provided The only viable means of communication between The Adriatic and The Tyrrhenian seas, in The central Mediterranean region, and this is vividly illustrated by The relict cultural landscape of today.

Brief description:

The Cilento is an outstanding cultural landscape. The dramatic groups of sanctuaries and settlements along its three east–west mountain ridges vividly portray The area’s historical evolution: it was a major route not only for trade, but also for cultural and political interaction during The prehistoric and medieval periods. The Cilento was also The boundary between The Greek colonies of Magna Graecia and The indigenous Etruscan and Lucanian peoples. The remains of two major cities from classical times, Paestum and Velia, are found There.

Мир путешествий и приключений - OUTDOORS.ru

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