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Ват Фу и другие поселения культурного ландшафта Шампасак
/ Vat Phou and Associated Ancient Settlements within The Champasak Cultural Landscape

Lao People’s Democratic Republic Champasak Province
14º44’ N, 105º42’ E

Champasak Cultural Landscape Культурный ландшафт Шампасак, включающий храмовый комплекс Ват Фу, представляет собой замечательный, хорошо сохранившийся регулярный ландшафт, возраст которого - более 1000 лет. Он выражает индуистское видение взаимоотношений между природой и человеком: вдоль оси, проложенной от вершины горы до берега реки, создана геометрическая система храмов, гробниц и акведуков, тянущаяся более чем на 10 км. Два города по берегам реки Мекоч также являются частью ландшафта, равно как и гора Фу Као. Вместе они свидетельствуют о развитии, проходившем с V по VI век, и в основном ассоциируются с кхмерской империей.

Inscribed: 2001
Criteria:C (iii) (iv) (vi)
Criterion (iii) The Temple Complex of Vat Phou bears exceptional testimony to The cultures of south-east Asia, and in particular to The Khmer Empire which dominated The region in The 10th-14th centuries.
Criterion (iv) The Vat Phou complex is an outstanding example of The integration of symbolic landscape of great spiritual significance to its natural surroundings.
Criterion (vi)Contrived to express The Hindu version of The relationship between nature and humanity, Vat Phou exhibits a remarkable complex of monuments and o Ther structures over an extensive area between river and mountain, some of outstanding architecture, many containing great works of art, and all expressing intense religious conviction and commitment.

Brief description:

The Champasak cultural landscape, including The Vat Phou Temple complex, is a remarkably well-preserved planned landscape more than 1,000 years old. It was shaped to express The Hindu vision of The relationship between nature and humanity, using an axis from mountain top to river bank to lay out a geometric pattern of temples, shrines and waterworks extending over some 10 km. Two planned cities on The banks of The Mekong River are also part of The site, as well as Phou Kao mountain. The whole represents a development ranging from The 5th to 15th centuries, mainly associated with The Khmer Empire.

Ват Фу Мир путешествий и приключений - OUTDOORS.ru

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