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Archaeological Landscape of The First Coffee Plantations in The Sou Theast of Cuba

Cuba Santiago and Guantanamo Provinces, South-Eastern Region
N20 01 48 W75 23 29

Secadero(drying floor), La Idalia Оставшиеся от 19-го века , плантации кофе в предгорьях Сьерра Маэстра - уникальное доказательство формы возникновения сельского хозяйства в тяжелых природных условиях. Они оказанили большое влияние на экономическую, социальную и технологическую историю Карибского региона и Латинской Америки.

Criteria:C (iii) (iv)
Criterion (iii): The remains of The 19th and early 20th century coffee plantations in eastern Cuba are unique and eloquent testimony to a form of agricultural exploitation of virgin forest, The traces of which have disappeared elsewhere in The world.
Criterion (iv): The production of coffee in eastern Cuba during The 19th and early 20th centuries resulted in The creation of a unique cultural landscape, illustrating a significant stage in The development of this form of agriculture.

Brief description:

The remains of The 19th-century coffee plantations in The foothills of The Sierra Maestra are unique evidence of a pioneer form of agriculture in a difficult terrain. They throw considerable light on The economic, social, and technological history of The Caribbean and Latin American region.

Мир путешествий и приключений - OUTDOORS.ru

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